Moving Towards South Asian Confederation

Sri Aurobindo's Ideograph

The fall of the bureaucracy

The infatuation which drives men to destroy themselves seems to have taken full possession of the bureaucrats in this country. So long as they touched only the political and commercial interests of their subjects, the Lord of karma might delay his avenging hand; but the bounds are exceeded when the hand of power is turned against philanthropy and religion....It is when the soul of India is attacked that Nemesis feels the call and turns her eyes on the transgressor. Power may do its worst against power but when it becomes the enemy of the saint, the helpless, the innocent, it is then that God is bound to interfere....The jealousy and fears of the bureaucracy are hurrying them into all the excesses that prepare a disastrous recoil and bring about the fall of the proud and the destruction of the mighty.

Sri Aurobindo, Bande Mataram, March 24, 1908

Date of Update: 29-Jun-24  


