Chapter IX Part I
The possibility of a World – Empire
history we find that attempts have been made to form a political
and administrative unity through the imperial idea of an
expansionist empire. This idea has even been extended to dream
of a single world-empire. Whether such an artificially
constructed formation can be psychologically sustainable in a
world of differentiation and variability is one thing. But that
this imperial idea is still present in the collective
unconscious, buried in the race-memory and has the potentiality
to rise up in the political psyche as a vision or ambition is a
psychological fact. If the collective unconscious is the
repository of all our past ideas, then it is a fact ‘that the
old gods are not dead, the old ideal of dominant Force
conquering, governing and perfecting the world is still a vital
reality and has not let go its hold on the psychology of the
human race’ (The Ideal of Human Unity, pg 338). The
paraphernalia and denouement may differ, military strategies may
be replaced by economic manipulation, trade embargoes and
political arm-twisting but the force of domination prevail in
one garb or the other.
Sri Aurobindo
cites the example of the German dream of world-domination. It
was Germany which broke the Napoleonic spirit of imperialism
during the War of the Sixth Coalition, especially in 1813 that
saw the beginning of the end of Napoleon. It was Germany which
broke the remnants of the French leadership in Europe by 1870.
And it was the same Germany which ‘became the incarnation of
that which it had overthrown’ (Ibid, pg 339). In 1815, the
German Confederation was formed with 34 signatories (afterwards
5 were added) with delicately balanced differential voting
rights in the Federal Assembly. Besides the Austrian Empire and
Kingdom of Prussia, even foreign monarchs like the King of Denmark, the
King of Netherlands and the King of Great Britain had one vote
each in the Federal Assembly alongside smaller States and Free
Cities who had proportional representation. The confederation
was strengthened in 1834 by establishing the Zollverein, a
customs union aimed towards economic integration, modern
industrial capitalism and the triumph of a centralized set-up
that would over-ride the localized guilds in small princely
states. After the Austro-Prussian conflict that began in 1866,
the turn of events led to the emergence of the German Empire in
1870 where the ‘confederation-idea’ was gradually replaced by a
mind-set outrageously imperialstic. The German Empire was
dissolved in 1918 with its defeat in World War I. Two years
before that event, Sri Aurobindo had anticipated the trend of
history that would subsequently lead to the German defeat and
had poignantly pointed out that if Germany had prevailed in the
war as she first expected, she would have embarked on the
endeavour to build a World-Empire to satiate her giant ego. ‘For
she would have enjoyed a dominant position such as no nation has
yet possessed during the known period of the world’s history;
and the ideas which have recently governed the German intellect,
the idea of her mission, her race superiority, the immeasurable
excellence of her culture, her science, her organization of life
and her divine right to lead the earth and to impose on it her
will and her ideals , these with the all-grasping spirit of
modern commercialism would have inevitably impelled her to
undertake universal domination as a divinely given task (Ibid,
pg 338).
Sri Aurobindo
pointed out an important psychological truth in the same 1916
write-up. He wrote that the defeat of Germany (which took place
in 1918) would not necessarily kill the spirit of
world-domination then incarnate in Germany. On the contrary, it
would have led to ‘a new incarnation of it, perhaps in some
other race or empire, and the whole battle would then have to be
fought over again. So long as the old gods are alive, the
breaking or depression of the body which they animate is a small
matter, for they know well how to transmigrate’ (Ibid, pg 339).
Sri Aurobindo’s prophesy of ‘the new incarnation’ a s well as
‘the be fought over again’ were both proved true when
Adolf Hitler established the Third Reich in 1933 and pursued his
mega-agenda of world-domination till World War II brought his
ignominious defeat in 1945.
In the same 1916
write-up, Sri Aurobindo compared the imperialistic perspective
of Napoleon’s France with the pre-World War I German Empire:
1. Despite
having the strongest military, scientific and national
organization which other nations lacked, Germany ‘lacked the
gigantic driving impulse which alone could bring an attempt so
colossal to fruition, the impulse which France possessed in a
much greater degree in the Napoleonic era’ (Ibid).
2. German
statesmanship miscalculated its military strength by not
complementing overwhelming land-power with overwhelming
sea-power (to which overwhelming air-power was to be latter
added) needed for global control. Even ancient Rome had a better
vision as ‘it could only hope for something like a world-empire
after it had destroyed the superior maritime force of Carthage’
(Ibid).It was unwise for Germany to have ‘entered into the
struggle with the predominant maritime Power of the world
already ranked in the coalition of its enemies’ (Ibid, pg 340).
3. Germany
lacked ‘the successful diplomatic genius which creates the
indispensable conditions of success’ (Ibid, pg 339). Instead of
utilizing ‘the old hostility of Russia and France against
England, its maladroit and brutal diplomacy had already leagued
these former enemies against itself; instead of isolating
England, it had succeeded only in isolating itself….In its
one-sided pursuit of a great military concentration of Central
Europe and Turkey, it had even wantonly alienated the one
maritime Power which might have been on its side’ (Ibid, pg
imperialism was propelled by a desire for world-unity but his
dream was utopian, his charisma romantic, his vision of unity
was to be based on human equality. Only his millennium old modus
operandi was bound to fail in an era where the future of human
unity was destined to proceed rather fast, albeit within two
centuries, through an increasing global co-operation, through
peace and concord, through the eradication of global poverty,
through the upliftment of weaker nations, through the
universalization of education, through a global economic order,
through the restoration of human rights. The pre-World War I
German Empire was already dreaming of a World-Empire where the
world was to be forcibly united in subservience to a superior
German racial and cultural hegemony. This mind-set was
exaggerated further when Hitler consolidated the Third Reich in
1933. The brute agenda of German imperialism prompted Sri
Aurobindo to compare Napoleon and Hitler in a moving poem
written on 16th October, 1939, where he visualizes
the doom of the human race if providence would allow Hitler to
build a World-Empire:
Napoleon’s mind
was swift and bold and vast,
His heart was calm and stormy like the sea,
His will dynamic in its grip and clasp.
His eye could hold a world within its grasp
And see the great and small things sovereignly…
Far other this creature of a nether clay,
Void of all grandeur, like a gnome at play…
The prophet of a scanty fixed idea,
Plays now the leader of our human march; …
The crude dwarf instrument of a mighty Force.
Hater of the free spirit’s joy and light,
Made only of strength and skill and giant might,
A Will to trample humanity into clay
And unify earth beneath one iron sway,
Insists upon its fierce enormous plan.
Trampling man’s mind and will into one mould
Docile and facile in a dreadful hold,
It cries its demon slogan s to the crowd;
But if its tenebrous empire were allowed,
Its mastery would prepare the dismal hour
When the Inconscient shall regain its right,
And man who emerged as Nature’s conscious power,
Shall sink into the deep original night
Sharing like all her forms that went before
The doom of the mammoth and the dinosaur…’
(Excerpted from
‘The Dwarf Napoleon. Hitler, October 1939 ‘, Sri Aurobindo,
Collected Poems, pg 110-111)
Date of Update:
10-Mar-12 - By Dr. Soumitra Basu